Thursday, March 13, 2014

Eat It to Beat It!

On my birthday, as great timing would have it, I got my expiration date.

My oncologist finally convinced me to have an EGD and a colonoscopy, even with my kicking and screaming, because I am old. You have to do things when you are old. Even if you don't want to. But, since I lived through it, I know now that I was a serious over-actor. Colonoscopies are a very good thing, and now that I have been through the process, I encourage you over 50 to get one.

I was scared, nervous, anxious, didn't want to do the prep. That is such BS. I did a lot of self stress for no reason. It was a piece of cake! So, just do it. A colonoscopy might save your life, that is, if you are in a state that has legal medical marijuana laws. If not, good luck.

On my birthday, I got the "both end" scope diagnoses from the both end biopsies. So, now that I know I have new cancer cells, I want to go back next year for my, not-so-feared scope session, completely cured by eating marijuana.

I know marijuana  kills cancer cells. I know marijuana greatly controls seizures. I know marijuana works great on nausea. I just wish there was more money for research. They haven't even scratched the surface on the benefits of marijuana.

My diet is very healthy, I'm not a vegetarian, like my grandson. I don't diet or exercise, but I stay active and busy. I am in good shape and my lab tests are all good without taking any meds. I just want to be living proof that cannabis kills cancer. Since marijuana will not be on the ballot until 2016, I sure don't want to wait that long to experiment.

I, like everyone else in Wyoming, will be making a road trip to stock up on edibles. I really don't know about smoking for a cancer cure, but I truly believe you can eat it to beat it. Since I can't pick up stakes and move,I am going to attempt to grow it and eat every bit of it. I just know it will take a lot of plants. If they all turn out like my 1st little Charlie Brown baby plant -- I will not die of cancer, I will starve to death.

On a happier note, I know states who make cannabis edibles that will save my life, or at the very least allow me to be my own guinea pig and prove cancer can be cured by cannabis.  I am going to eat it to beat it!

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