Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Grow My Own? OK!

I never did get to thank the guy who wrote a comment on one of my first blogs, because I didn't know how, actually. I have since figured it out. So, after he told me to "grow my own", I discovered how hard it is to find a marijuana seed in Wyoming. It would be easier to find a set of chicken's teeth!

After a few months a lady friend sent me a few seeds. To make a very long four-months story a lot shorter, I ended my growing stretch with one very pretty 12" tall, Charlie Brown looking plant with little bitty buds on 14 branches. The Queen of Weed would have laughed her ass off, but I loved that little plant and couldn't wait to cut it down and make myself some happiness.

As I took the scissors to the base of my sweet little marijuana plant, my first thought was CANNABUTTER! My little honey plant was going to be a cooking experiment as soon as she dried. The days drying seemed as long as the growing period! Finally, with my best guess on how dry it was supposed to be, I stuffed the entire plant in the blender and chopped her fine as frog's hair. I had 5 tablespoons of yippee skippee! I was so excited to finally make some cannabutter, but I first had to try out my new pipe.

I felt like a little kid on Christmas, I wanted to do everything right NOW!  I had the most goofy and happy smile plastered on my face, and the happiest soul on the planet.  I am sure it would have been a very funny video. While the butter was cooking, I was reminiscent of the first time I visited Eve's Garden and she handed me the biggest pipe I've ever seen. (That was before my visit to a head shop!) While she loaded it, she spilled some crumbs of herb on the table. As I started picking up each little speck, she started laughing at me. How do you explain frugality to someone with an endless supply! There were enough trimmings just on the floor of her garden, I could have been set for life. Talk about living in a candy store!  It was the most wonderful visit of a lifetime.

I really do hope Weed Wyoming and NORML get enough people on the bandwagon that we can legalize marijuana within the next two years. I'm there!

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