Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Draconian Wyoming Legislature

The Wyoming legislature adjourned without having any discussion for reforms of the state's draconian marijuana laws. How disappointing. Lawmakers should be encouraged to review outdated policies in light of the ever growing public support for legal marijuana. At the very least, legislators should consider changing the criminal penalties for those over 21. I see where WEED WYOMING has published on their website that they plan to file a state ballot initiative for 2016. YAY! LET'S GO!! Too bad it can't happen sooner.

I believe with advertisement and enlightenment, enough people will vote for something this important. We just need to make awareness happen for good changes. Encourage people to vote for their rights! Everyone has the right to smoke, I want to have the right to choose WHAT I smoke. Besides, I want to make some cannabutter!

I think there is still too much "fear factor" in Wyoming for many of us to step forward and start "carrying the flag". I would love to speak up and start marching for legal changes for marijuana laws, but I would first lose my job. It isn't fair, but that is how the law works, for now. I would like to honestly know how many of the legislature smoke weed, it would certainly make me more brave!

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